Substance Abuse and Child Custody in Arizona

Investigative Article - How Substance Abuse Affects Child Custody Decisions in Arizona

When it comes to family law cases, substance abuse has become an increasingly prevalent issue in recent years. Couples facing child custody disputes in Arizona may find that one parent's substance abuse problem can significantly impact the court's custody decision.

The impact of substance abuse on child custody

Divorce is often stressful for both parents and children, but substance abuse can add a layer of complexity to an already emotional situation. Substance abuse can affect a parent's ability to provide a stable and safe environment for their children.

Arizona law requires family court judges to prioritize the best interests of the child when making custody decisions. Judges must consider a variety of factors when determining custody, including the physical and emotional wellbeing of each parent, the child's relationship with each parent, and the ability of each parent to care for the child.

Substance abuse can negatively impact a parent's ability to fulfill their parental responsibilities. A parent with a substance abuse problem may put their child in harm's way, show a lack of judgment or reliability, or fail to provide a stable home environment.

How substance abuse is determined

A court may not automatically assume that substance abuse is occurring or that it affects a parent's ability to care for their child. The court may require evidence of substance abuse before making any determination about custody.

Evidence of substance abuse can come in various forms, such as police reports, medical records, statements from witnesses, lab reports, or evidence of a DUI conviction. Furthermore, the court may order drug or alcohol testing as part of the custody dispute to determine if a parent has a substance abuse problem.

The role of substance abuse treatment

If a parent has a substance abuse problem, he or she may still be able to obtain custody if they seek help for their addiction. Attending a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program can demonstrate to the court that a parent recognizes their problem and is taking the necessary steps to address it.

However, it is critical that the parent seeking custody not only participate in a substance abuse treatment program but also complete it and maintain sobriety long-term. The court may require that a parent attend regular drug or alcohol screenings as a condition of custody.


Substance abuse can have a significant impact on child custody decisions in Arizona. If you are facing a custody dispute and believe that substance abuse is an issue, it is essential to speak with an experienced family law attorney. An attorney can evaluate your case, advise you on your options, and help ensure the best interests of your child are protected.

Don't let substance abuse ruin your chances of obtaining custody of your child. Seek the help you need today.

Substance Abuse Affects Child Custody Decisions in Arizona -

