The Advantages of Hiring a Divorce Attorney When Going Through a Divorce: Understanding Pro Per Party

The Advantages of Hiring a Divorce Attorney When Going Through a Divorce

Divorce is never easy and can be a distressing and emotional experience for everyone involved. When couples decide to end their marriage, it is often a result of various reasons, including infidelity, financial hardships, or simply growing apart, and while the process of divorce can often be draining, it can also be a chance for a fresh start.

What is a Pro Per Party?

In Arizona, individuals going through a divorce have the option to represent themselves in court. This is known as acting "pro per." While it may seem like a cost-effective and straightforward way of handling a divorce, it can often lead to significant risks and challenges, and many individuals end up regretting not seeking legal counsel.

The Risks of Representing Yourself in Court

While representing yourself in court may seem like a quick and easy way to handle a divorce, it's important to understand the risks and challenges involved. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Limited Legal Knowledge

Divorce law is complex, and unless you’re a legal expert, there may be specific laws and regulations that you may not be aware of. Hiring a divorce attorney can bring valuable insights and expertise, ensuring that you're fully supported in your endeavors.

2. Emotional Turmoil

Divorce can be an emotionally charged time, and this can make it difficult to make rational decisions, especially in court. An attorney can provide you with objective guidance, helping you to stay focused and grounded during what can be a difficult time.

3. Potential Mistakes

Representing yourself can mean a higher potential for mistakes, ranging from simple clerical errors to more significant ones that can impact the outcome of your case. Attorneys are accustomed to handling the complexities of divorce, and are familiar with the potential pitfalls and common mistakes that can arise.

4. Unfavorable Outcomes

Without the help of an attorney, you could be underestimating the value of certain assets, overestimating the value of other assets, or even missing important details that could have a significant impact on your case. Ultimately, it's better for your peace of mind to have an attorney present to guide you through the complexities and ensure that you get a favorable outcome in your case.

The Advantages of Hiring a Divorce Attorney

While many individuals may believe that representing themselves in court is the most cost-effective way of handling a divorce, hiring a divorce attorney can provide a range of benefits that far outweigh any initial costs. Here are just a few:

1. Expert Knowledge and Advice

Divorce attorneys are specialists in their field and have in-depth knowledge of the law and legal system. An attorney can provide invaluable advice and guidance on financial matters, child custody arrangements, and any other issues that may arise during the divorce process.

2. Objective Advice

Divorce can be a highly emotional experience, and this can cloud judgment and lead to irrational decisions. Attorneys are objective, offering guidance based purely on the facts and details of the case at hand.

3. Reduced Stress

Divorce can be an incredibly stressful time, characterized by sleepless nights and worry. By hiring an attorney, you can offload some of the complexities and stress, allowing you to focus on your wellbeing and other important matters.

4. Favorable Outcomes

Ultimately, the main benefit of hiring an attorney is that they can help ensure a favorable outcome in your divorce case. Attorneys are experts at negotiating, and understand how to apply the law to your specific case to achieve the best possible outcome.


The decision to end a marriage and file for divorce is never an easy one. While going to court pro per may seem like an easy option, it's important to understand the risks and challenges involved. By hiring a divorce attorney, you can ensure that you have the best possible chance of reaching a favorable outcome.

Contact Colburn Hintze Maletta for expert guidance and support through the divorce process: Pro Per Party


